The Scottish Border Terrier Club Open Show Sun 2nd Jun 2024

Venue: Victoria Village Hall, Kirkpatrick Fleming. DG11 3AU

Judge: Dr Margaret Armstrong (Ploughdown)

"Thank you to the officers and committee of the Scottish Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their June 2024 Breed Club Open Show. The day was marked by very good weather conditions: a mixture of sunny spells, brisk breezes and cloud. Just right for the dogs. The dreaded rain kept at bay so the Gods smiled down on us. What a super venue to hold a show. There was a large indoor hall if needed. However, given the clement conditions, we were outside for judging on a large paved area surrounded by raised grass banks that afforded for spectators a good view of events. The welcome from officers and exhibitors alike was warm and hospitable andI’d like to thank exhibitors for the super entry I had and for their good grace in accepting their placings. There was a great sense of collegiality among members and good humour was in plentiful supply.  The catering was second to none; the poached salmon salad at lunch was super. And I was sent on my way with enough food to see me back over the sea to Northern Ireland. Finally I’d like to thank my two stewards on the day: Kath Lothian and Pete Appleby. They were welcoming and fulfilled their duties with quiet good humour."

Entries: 80 dogs making 104 entries, No NFC

Best In Show: Ravenside Rasputin

Reserve Best In Show: Remony Rose Gold

Best Dog: Ravenside Rasputin

Reserve Best Dog: Cedarhill Dish Of The Day For Dexlin

Best Puppy - Dog: Ravenside Rasputin

Best Bitch: Remony Rose Gold

Reserve Best Bitch: Howthwaite Gaan Divilish

Best Puppy - Bitch: Chorbeck Blue Velvet

Best Puppy: Ravenside Rasputin

Best Veteran: CH Smalesmouth Skylark


Minor Puppy - Dog


Entries: 1   Absentees: 1

Puppy - Dog


Entries: 2   Absentees: 1

1st - Ravenside Rasputin (Mr M Lowry)

A very promising 10 month old puppy who filled my eye. He provided a very balanced picture with flowing lines. Presented very well. Lovely head proportions for one so young, and a keen, dark eye that afforded him a super expression.Short strong muzzle and correct bite. Narrow throughout, good length to his body and rib carried well back. Easily spanned. Well off for angulation front and rear. Good bone and stood on the neatest feet. He sported a thick double coat and a deep pelt. Level topline which he held on the move and he moved out well coming and going. He handled himself with confidence and showed very well for his handler.  Best In Show, Best Puppy InShow.

Junior - Dog





Entries: 4   Absentees: 0

1st - Hightarn Blackthorn (Mr B & Mrs L Rostron)

Young blue and tan dog, showing blue in his coat which was harsh and underpinned by depth of pelt. An upstanding dog, but balanced in length of body, depth of rib  and narrowness. Straight front , with good bone, level topline and good tail set. A pleasing head with correct balance between his flat skull and strong foreface. Good dentition and well angulated at the rear. Moved out correctly with enthusiasm and drive.

2nd - Auchenlaw Ted At Kilburnpride (Mrs J Scott)

Grizzle dog. Typical head with short  foreface, flat skull, dark varminty eye and scissor bite. Straight front with good bone,  padded feet and short carroty tail.  Strong pasterns. Good rear angulation. Moved out soundly and with some drive.

3rd - Picer He's The Gaffer (Miss C Blackie & Mr L Page)

Res - Mr Blue Boy (Mr D & Ms I Ashton)

Yearling - Dog





Entries: 4   Absentees: 0

1st - Chadbrook Torsten (C Macgregor)

Nicely balanced body lines to this grizzle dog. Good for size and well off for bone. Fairly long with depth of rib.Narrow, straight front and well padded feet. Good rear angulation and short, thick tail. Moved out well. Flat skull and correct ear carriage.

2nd - Hightarn Blackthorn (Mr B & Mrs L Rostron)

See Junior Dog

3rd - Otterbobs Mozergh Into Cundytyke (Mr & Mrs Shorthose)

Res - Picer He's The Gaffer (Miss C Blackie & Mr L Page)

Special Beginners - Dog


Entries: 0   Absentees: 0

Novice - Dog




Entries: 5   Absentees: 2

1st - Otterbobs Mozergh Into Cundytyke (Mr & Mrs Shorthose)

Very much a racy border, showing length and narrowness in body. He obviously still has maturing to do; he is still young and very much gives the impression he will take time to grow into himself. Flat skull, good eye, some strength in foreface and correct scissor bite, showing big, strong teeth.  Short coarse double show coat. Presented a pleasing outline when he stood for his handler, with good angulation fore and aft. Easily spanned. Tidy enough on the move, when he settled.

2nd - Ravenside All In One Night (Mr S J Richardson)

Grizzle dog with depth to his harsh coat. Strong head showing short foreface and broad flat skull. Dark eye with a pleasing expression. Scissor bite. Well off for bone with strong pasterns and well padded feet. Nice length to his body, fairly narrow throughout and  some depth to his rib. Standing he showed good bend of stifle. Tended to some untidiness in movement.

3rd - Mr Blue Boy (Mr D & Ms I Ashton)

Post Graduate - Dog




Entries: 5   Absentees: 2

1st - Akenside Isosceles (Mrs L Gosling)

Much to like about this dog. Strong head set off by neat ears, with a dark eye and keen expression. Flat cranium, short foreface  and correct bite. Moderate neck flowing into well set shoulders, complemented by a level topline and a good bend of stifle. Well off for bone and sporting neat, well padded feet. Short carroty tail. Deep harsh double coat and loose pelt. Moved out well.

2nd - Kentixen Mint Imperial At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)

Grizzle dog with moderate head, set off by short, strong foreface, flat skull,  varminty eye and large, black nose. Dentition fine. Pleasing body length showing deep rib carried well back.  Good bone, strong pasterns and neat well padded feet. Stifles well angulated which showed in his workmanlike movement around the ring. 

3rd - Ravenside All In One Night (Mr S J Richardson)

Limit - Dog




Entries: 3   Absentees: 0

1st - Chorbeck Curtain Call (Mrs H Haughton)

Nicely balanced grizzle dog. Pleasing, well proportioned head, set off by neat ears, shallow stop and small dark eyes. Lovely expression. Correct scissor bite with big teeth. Deep in the rib, narrow throughout and easily spanned.  Good double coat and pliable pelt. Straight front legs with strong pasterns and neat feet. Good rear angulation and moved well when he settled.

2nd - Hightarn Nightfall At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)

Blue and tan dog in good show coat. Flat skull, dark eye with typical expression. Correct dentition. Good front and neck and narrow throughout. Spanned well. Nice lines to his body.Well bent stifles and moved out well. Preferred the head of 1.

3rd - Ravenside Run To Me At Sandyfaulds (Mr G Grassie)

Open - Dog




Entries: 4   Absentees: 1

1st - Cedarhill Dish Of The Day For Dexlin (Mr B & Mrs L P Inness)

I have judged this handsome grizzle boy before and he did not disappoint. He excels in balance. His head proportions are correct and his flat skull, dark eye, short strong foreface  and shallow stop make for a super expression. Scissor bite showing big strong teeth. Narrow throughout, good bone and neat feet. Well angulated at the rear with a level topline and a well set on tail. Showed really well and moved out with aplomb. Reserve Best Dog.

2nd - Keebank Just In Time (Mrs L Keeffe)

Grizzle dog with a moderate head, small dark eye and keen expression. Correct dentition. Straight front legs, good bone and small feet.  Some depth to rib and easily spanned. Good harsh double coat and pliable pelt. Good pigmentation.  Great rear angulation which aided his free flowing movement around the ring.

Grizzle dog with a lot to offer.

3rd - Upend Country Lad At Jacraila (Mrs I Nicol)

Veteran - Dog



Entries: 4   Absentees: 2

1st - Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM (Mrs H Haughton)

Really lovely lines to this grizzle 9 yr old veteran dog. Flat skull showing good breadth and strong short foreface. Lovely dark eye, lending a keen expression. Scissor bite and strong jaw. Head set off by nice v-shaped ears. In double show coat with depth of pelt. Nice length of neck flowing into a fairly long body with depth of rib. Narrow throughout and easily spanned.Stifles well bent and moved well round the ring.

2nd - Blue Duke Of Cumbria At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)

What a great old-timer. At 12 year old, he is a credit to his owner. Typical head , flat cranium, dark, keen eye, neat ears and short foreface. Dentition fine. Narrow throughout with some  depth and length of body and carrying his rib well back. Well angulated stifles and moved out well for one of his advanced age.

Minor Puppy - Bitch



Entries: 2   Absentees: 0

1st - Chorbeck Blue Velvet (Mrs H Haughton)

Promising 6 month old blue and tan bitch who is already showing colour in her harsh coat. Pliable pelt. Lovely narrow lines throughout. Straight front legs with strength in pasterns and neat feet. Nicely laid shoulder, deep in body with a topline that flowed well from her head, through a level topline, to the tip of her well set on tail.   Fairly long in body and with a good bend of stifle. Feminine head with keen dark eye and nice head proportions. Easily spanned. Showed really well and moved out with drive. Best Bitch Puppy.

2nd - Tyneotter Autumnal Fire (Dr A, Ms V Harbottle & Ms N Anderson)

Racy lines to this youngster. Pleasing puppy head, set off by neat ears and small dark eyes. Nice reach of neck, depth of rib and length of body, giving her balance. Well angulated at the front and in stifle. Moved well coming and going.

Puppy - Bitch




Entries: 4   Absentees: 1

1st - Ravenside Ma Baker (Mr M Lowry)

A lot to like about this grizzle bitch who showed some maturity for her 8 months. Very pleasing head with lovely proportions and balance. Flat in skull and strong in muzzle. Her dark eye lent her a keen expression. Great pigmentation. Standing on straight front legs with good bone, strong pasterns and neat well-padded feet. Moderately long in body, strong in loin and with a short thick tail. Deep coarse double coat and great depth of pelt. Easily spanned. Challenged hard for best bitch puppy.

2nd - Comalegy The Countess With Fiadhaich (Miss A A Lawrence & Miss M Scrimgeour)

Narrow lines to this bitch with straight front anddeep rib which she carried well back. Fairly long in body with a good lay of shoulder and bend of stifle. Good tail set. Fine for bone and stood on small, neat feet. Head still to come but set off by a small dark eye and some strength in foreface. Correct scissor bite. Moved ok.

3rd - Howthwaite Merrily To Smalesmouth (Mrs J Roberts)

Junior - Bitch





Entries: 7   Absentees: 3

1st - Remony Rose Gold (Mrs A E Gregory)

Very balanced grizzle bitch who shows a  very pleasing outline. Enough neck and length of body to lend her great proportion. Straight, clean and narrow front, with lovely flat shoulders. Just right for bone and standing on small, well-padded paws. Shoulders carried well back, level topline which she held on the move. Deep in rib and strong in coupling, spanned well. Short thick tail. Great bend of stifle. Moved out well coming and going and showed drive moving around the ring. Head in proportion with flat cranium and strength in foreface, correct bite. A real varminty look in this girl’s eye. Double coat that was just growing into a super show coat, good pelt. Challenged strongly for Best in Show. Best Bitch and Reserve Best in Show.

2nd - Carrock Complicated (Ms J Fawcett)

Lots to like about this girl. Lovely rich grizzle with pleasing head: flat skull, strong foreface, correct bite and lovely small dark eyes, lending her a keen expression. Good body lines with straight front, good bone and thick padded feet. Deep in rib and good angulation fore and aft. Harsh coat with plenty of undercoat and a deep pelt. In lovely condition. Moved well.

3rd - Kirkbyvalley Tally Ho (Miss C Blackie)

Res - Valicetarn Vienna Eclipse at Sandyfaulds (Mr G Grassie)

Yearling - Bitch





Entries: 11   Absentees: 1

1st - Remony Rose Gold (Mrs A E Gregory)

See Junior Bitch

2nd - Otterpaws The Thunder Rolls (Miss A M Dixon)

Pleasing head with good balance of flat, broad skull and strong foreface. Lovely dark eye that lent her a typical expression. Scissor bite showing big white teeth. Good neck that flowed into a level topline and strong loin. Well angulated in shoulder and stifle. Deep body, easily spanned. Just holding on to her coat which was harsh and dense. Pliable pelt. Moved with ease around the ring.

3rd - Valicetarn Vienna Eclipse at Sandyfaulds (Mr G Grassie)

Res - Keebank Platinum Queen (Mrs L Keeffe)

Special Beginners - Bitch


Entries: 2   Absentees: 1

1st - Otterpaws Red Red Wine (Mrs J M Dixon)

Grizzle bitch. Head in good proportion with flat cranium and some breadth of muzzle. Dark eye with typical expression. Correct bite. Narrow straight front. Good bone and deep padded, small feet. Good length and depth of body with strong coupling.  Covered the ground well going round the ring.

Novice - Bitch





Entries: 9   Absentees: 2

1st - Carrickfarm Myra (Mrs M Armstrong)

Grizzle bitch showing plenty of breed type. Neat head with good balance between skull and foreface. Great bite. Dark eye with good expression. Narrow throughout with straight front, good bone and neat well-padded feet. Of sufficient length to give her scope. Rib of the right depth and length and strong in coupling. Well angulated behind, level topline and short carrot-like tail. Easily spanned. In great condition. Moved round the ring with an easy stride. 

2nd - Foxy Fell At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)

Longer cast than 1. Well proportioned head with small, dark eyes giving her a keen expression. Sound construction. Good front and neck. Well off for bone and standing on small feet with thick pads.  Good rib and bend of stifle. Moved with purpose around the ring.

3rd - Comalegy The Countess With Fiadhaich (Miss A A Lawrence & Miss M Scrimgeour)

Res - Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue (Mrs V Mason)

Post Graduate - Bitch



Entries: 10   Absentees: 8

1st - Hollexby Heartbreaker At Tinkletop (Mrs L Templeman)

Upstanding grizzle bitch, fairly long with reach of neck and ribs drawn well back. Level topline, narrow front and some depth in body. Good bend of stifle and well angulated in shoulder. Flat skull, dark eye and good dentition.  Out of coat today. Moved ok.

2nd - Elemcella Sedum (Miss C Blackie)

Moderate head with short muzzle, v-shaped ears and scissor bite. Good pigmentation. Good length and depth of body, carrying ribs well back and good tail set. Moderate angulation in shoulder and stifle. Spanned well. Moved with purpose.

Limit - Bitch




Entries: 5   Absentees: 2

1st - Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck (Mrs H Haughton)

Grizzle bitch in full double coat.Topcoat harsh and undercoat deep. Thick  pelt. Head set off by a flat, moderately broad skull and showing correct balance with length of muzzle. Correct scissor bite. Dark, keen eyes. Narrow, straight front. Well boned, straight front legs with strong pasterns. Neat, thick padded feet. Nice length of body and level topline. Angulation, front and rear, very good. Moved with ease and purpose around the ring.

2nd - Haystoun Cosmic Dancer At Paleside (Mr D & Mrs D Mitchell)

Blue and tan bitch, showing some blue in her coat. Rangier type than 1. Some length and depth to her rib and ok for bone. Standing on good strong, tight feet. Good bend of stifle and shoulders laid back.  Level topline with good tail set.  Moved well around the ring.

3rd - Otterpaws Lyin Eyes JW (Miss A M Dixon)

Open - Bitch





Entries: 7   Absentees: 3

1st - Howthwaite Gaan Divilish (Mr R J & Mrs E A Barrett)

I have often seen this bitch from the ringside so it was good to have the opportunity to go over her. Shows a good outline in her harsh abundant double coat. Deep pelt. Straight, true front, with well boned legs and strong pasterns above small, tight paws.  Fair length of body with rib carried well back and a strong loin. Very good rear angulation and tail set. Lovely thick, short tail carried confidently above her back. Moved out very well coming and going and showed drive in profile. Feminine head, showing correct balance and proportion. Lovely dark eye and very pleasing expression. Scissor bite. Reserve Best Bitch in Show.

2nd - Remony Fallen Embers (Mrs B Wakefield)

Similar lines to 1. Good front with good bone and strength in the forehand. Well constructed with great pasterns and neat feet. Pleasing length and depth of body and strong loin.  Balanced head with flat skull and strength in foreface. Correct bite. Pleasing expression in her dark eyes. Moved well coming and going. Just preferred the overall balance of the winner.

3rd - Smalesmouth Cadence (Mrs J Roberts)

Res - Carrickfarm Mhairi At Tinkletop (L C & C Templeman & Comben)

Veteran - Bitch





Entries: 10   Absentees: 5

1st - CH Smalesmouth Skylark (Mrs J Roberts)

What a lovely veteran bitch. Super lines with a topline that is dead level and stays that way on the move. Narrow throughout with a true front, lovely length of upper arm and great angulation in shoulder and stifle.  An elegant neck flows into a long body with a deep rib, carried well back. A feminine head of lovely proportions and eyes that are both keen and expressive. Double new coat. Spanned easily. Moved out with brio. Best Veteran

2nd - Otterpaws Firebird ShCM VW (Miss A M Dixon)

Nicely proportioned bitch. Good front and neck. Narrow, fairly long with good rib and strong coupling. Level topline and great angulation so presented a very pleasing outline. Good head with a keen expression. Strong jaw and scissor bite. Spanned well . Double coat and pliable pelt. Moved out well.

3rd - Crosby Dark Duchess At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)

Res - Carrickfarm Macey (Mrs M Armstrong)

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