All seven of the breed clubs for Border Terriers are concerned about the lack of breed specialists coming forward to become judges for the breed under the revised Kennel Club system for the development and approval of dog show judges - the Judges Education Programme (JEP).

This point is underlined by the fact that the present list of Challenge Certificate approved judges for the breed includes around 20% multi breed judges and 80% specialists. On the other hand the current list of Level 2 judges (able to judge an unlimited number of classes at open shows)  under the KC Judges Education Programme shows around 70% as multi breed judges and only around 30% as breed specialists.     

Historically, our breed has always enjoyed a high level of breeder/judges (breed specialists) compared with many other terrier breeds. This has ensured our breed hasn't fallen victim to becoming just a show dog, it has maintained a relatively unchanged appearance combined with its working roots. Therefore, it is essential that the breed has a continual flow of specialist judges coming through from the grass roots level, as it always has in the past.

The seven breed clubs want it to be widely known that they encourage up-and-coming breed enthusiasts to take up judging the breed when they feel that their knowledge of the breed justifies this. They also believe that prospective breed judges can gain valuable ring experience by stewarding, particularly at breed shows and breed supported entry shows.   

Information on how Border Terrier people can set about taking up judging the breed, can be found on the Kennel Club Website at  and those wishing to be recognised as judges approved by the breed clubs should go to the respective breed club websites for a copy of the questionnaire which can lead to endorsement by the clubs concerned.     

For further information, our Breed Education Coordinator Jayne Gillam (email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) is always pleased to give advice and support, as are the secretaries of the various breed clubs.

If you are interested in judging and would like to increase your knowledge of the breed and dogs in general, then be sure to make a start along the judge's training process, don't hold back! Instead go ahead and work towards becoming a Level 1 judge? Every judge started out on the first rung of the ladder and grew in confidence and knowledge as they went along. The same applies to you so please don’t forget - your breed needs you to get involved!

Joint BTC Championship Show now to be held with City of Birmingham Dog Show at Stoneleigh Saturday 31st August 2024

Further to the cancellation of the Joint BTC Championship Show due to be held at Wetherby Raceourse
1) Thanks for your help spreading the message.
2) The show will now be held on Saturday 31st in conjunction with City of Birmingham Dog Show at Stoneleigh. Details have yet to be finalised but ‘our’ judge will start by judging the bitch classes while dogs are being assessed in another ring. It is expected that both rings will start at the same time, 9am, but we will confirm this, among other factors, after discussions with their secretary.
All entries will stand.

Important Notice - Joint Clubs Championship Show on 24th August 2024 -CANCELLED

Driffield 2024

It’s with great sadness that we have to announce the cancellation of Driffield 2024. Following damage to the tents from extremely high winds, we cannot run the show and maintain the welfare of our exhibitors and staff.

We thank you all for the support you gave us in the run up to the show, and hope to welcome you all again in 2025.

This means that our Joint Show is unable to go ahead.

Whether we can re-schedule somehow for a later date will be reviewed.

Important Notice for Exhibitors and Spectators at our Joint Clubs Championship Show on 24th August 2024

Exhibitors and anyone attending to spectate at our show on 24 August are asked to follow the following instructions on entering the venue at Wetherby Racecourse;

As approach is made to the point marked ‘show entrance’ on the Event Plan, a ramp over the racecourse, please switch on your vehicle’s hazard lights and have displayed notice that you are attending our show, not the main General Championship Show.  You should then turn LEFT (against the marked ‘one-way’ system) and find our ring and designated parking area on your left.

Please download both the plan for the event site and a notice for all to download and print off for display on the windshield.

Blue and Tan Puppy Dog sought in Scotland

We have been approached by a reader who has  lost her own Border Terrier in unfortunate circumstances and has asked our help with her appeal. Here is her letter with name and address witheld at her request

Good afternoon,
We recently lost our boy who was a 7 year old blue and tan to complications arising from surgery for a gallbladder mucocele which was traumatic and devastating. Very recently we have been discussing the possibility of loving a new pup again and wondered if you had any recommendations for trusted breeders in Scotland. We would ideally like to have a male blue and tan dog if possible.
Also I noted that your site made mention of the gallbladder mucocele being a concern for this wonderful breed and if required we could provide details of out experience of this would assist. 
Thank you for your assistance

If any Scottish breeders can assist can you please you our contact form to get in touch.